Connectify Hotspot

The best program to share your internet to other devices

Why should I use Connectify Hotspot?

Connectify Hotspot is most famous and amazing program use to share internet wifi from your computer to other device around you .

It's free and you can buy it to get more features in your program .

Why should I use Connectify Hotspot ?
First reason is free .. and you can use it for lifelong .
Easy to use and support all windows OS .
Can get it form Connectify website and download it .
Support all device and mobile to use your wifi for easy .
Can make your setting like name of your wifi and make it open or close by use password .

To learn more about Connectify hotspot from this link :
 Dwonload connectify Hotspot 

 To learn How to install and use it .

Connectify support Windows xp .

Connectify support windows 8 .

How to use Connectify Hostpot

Finally If you have any Question or note please write it down and i will answer soon  :)

Connectify support windows 8

In the past connectify could not support windows 8 .. :(

Now connectify hotspot support windows 8, and you can download it and use it for your windows 8 .
To download Connectify and enjoy to sharint your interneg from your operating system windows 8 .
Go to this link and  download it :

Or from Connectify website :

Connectify support windows xp

In the past connectify could not support windows xp .. :(

Now connectify hotspot support windows xp, and you can download it and use it for your windows xp .
To download Connectify and enjoy to sharint your interneg from your operating system windows xp .

Go to this link and  download it :

Or from Connectify website :

How to upgrade Connectify Hotspot ?

To upgrade Connectify Hotspot .. you need to purchase it from Connectify website .
There are more advantage .. and you can use more tools and features .
Some of freautres :

  • Share Internet from 3G/4G cards in addition to a wide variety of other USB cards .
  • Easily share files with devices connected to your hotspot as well as other computers on the network running Connectify Hotspot.
  • Scans all devices on your Connectify Hotspot for available shared folders or drives, web servers, iTunes, and other remote services.
  • Name your hotspot whatever you want (Connectify Hotspot Lite requires your hotspot name to start with “Connectify-”) .
  • Repeater functionality lets users extend the range of hardware routers at the click-of-a-button .
  • When set to “Automatic,” Connectify Hotspot PRO intelligently chooses which Internet connection to share and makes the necessary configuration changes to your hotspot .
  • Ability to turn off the “News and Announcements” area for more space and a cleaner look.
  • One full year of premium support and upgrades! Receive preferred support and the best possible response time to open tickets.
To upgrade go to this link :

How to block computer or device from use internet ?

In this lesson you will learn how to block any device ,, you want them not use your internet wifi.

First go to Tab Clients ,,

Click the right mouse button and select (Disable Internet Access) .

After that client will disabled :)   .

How to use Connectify Hotspot?

For use Connectify Hotspot .. It's very easy and you will understand it quickly .
First you have to taps setting and clients .. click to settings
(note :: To see the image more clearly click on them )

1-To enter the name of your network .
2-To enter your password to your network .

From (Internet to Share) you can select What the network card you want share internet from it .
You must select the network you connecting to it .

From (Advanced Settings,Share over ) you can select what the network card you want to share internet over it .
From (Advanced Settings,Sharing mode ) you can select the mode of sharing and you have three modes :
WPA2 .. The best Mode .
OPEN .. The network will be open to all people .
WPA  .. Network will be secure .

After that setting click to Start Hotspot button ,, :)

The Program will run without any problem  :)

To see clients click to Clients Tap :
1: clients connect to your network now .
2:clients connect to your network .. in the past .

To learn How To Block Any client Click To this Link :

How to install Connectify Hotspot ?

Before install Connectify first Downlaoding it form this link :
Be sure The microsoft framework 3.5 is installed in your computer or download it from this link :

Now show this images help you to install Connectify Hotspot 
1: click agree .

2: wait for it installed .

3:After installed click finish .

4:After that reboot your computer ..
this image will show when it run ... press continue 

5:Press continue.

6:Now If you have License press (Enter License Key ) ,
 Or you can purchase it from (Purchase Connectify Hotspot PRO ) button .
 Or click to (Try Connectify Hotspot) for free .

After that it will run without any problem :)

To learn how to use it Go to this link :
How to use Connectify Hotspot?